Are you automating cm and then got an unexpected "you have to may privates" message?
Then add --machinereadable to the command to skip it.
Command line and GUIs warn you when finding "pending changes" is too slow. They do this to help you configuring the system correctly and make sure it performs as expected.
But, when you are automating, these messages can be annoying since you just want to skip them to parse.
An example
❯❯ cm status --all cs:8932@rep:myGame@repserver:plastic-server:8087
Added items (AD = added, PR = private, IG = ignored)
PR Engine/
PR Engine/Tools.xml
PR Templates/Preview.png
PR Templates/Testing.uproject
You have too many privates and this can affect performance. Learn how to ignore private files:
Do you want to remove the warning message from the "cm status"? Please include the following parameter "--machinereadable" in your "cm status" command. It should allow you to parse the output.